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Using Azure AD OAuth credentials in M-Files Desktop Client


Anyone here configured Azure AD OAuth?
I have configured one of the vaults to use Azure AD as a login. It works on the Web and in MS Teams integration as expected.
but on the client setup in MFiles Desktop Settings, I still need to enter an M-Files Login itself, the vaults will appear.
when accessing the Vault, It was only then the Azure Login prompt window appears to ask for the credentials then I can now open the vault that shows my Azure user as currently logged in.

My question is how do I configure the access to the vault via client without having to enter the M-Files Login credentials on the setup.
It should be directly asking for the Azure login and no need for M-Files credentials.

Appreciate your help on this.
Thank you!

  • I see you have specified M-Files user as the authentication type for the vault connection. What have you set as the Azure AD configuration's scope? Does the scope also cover M-Files accounts, or is it used only with Windows accounts?

    If the scope is specified to include only at Windows users, then changing the authentication type in the vault connection settings to "Specific Windows user" should help.

  • I see you have specified M-Files user as the authentication type for the vault connection. What have you set as the Azure AD configuration's scope? Does the scope also cover M-Files accounts, or is it used only with Windows accounts?

    If the scope is specified to include only at Windows users, then changing the authentication type in the vault connection settings to "Specific Windows user" should help.

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