workflow permissions are not applied to all users


I have set up a workflow that changes permissions when a contract is changed to Active Status. 

According to this, whoever is listed in the property Internal Supplier Contract will receive edit rights. 

In this object, I have three users listed as contacts, but M-Files is only granting edit rights to one of the users.

Why is this happening?  How can it be fixed.



  • Do the other internal suppliers have user accounts?  Do you have any other permissions being applied to the object (e.g. via metadata-driven-permissions, e.g. from the class?

  • Hi Craig, apologies for not responding before, I was on annual leave.  The other accounts have M-Files accounts and there are no other special permissions from the class.  It appears like, it reads one of the supplier internal contacts, applies the permissions and then it stops reading the other ones.

  • And these are tied together as per the ACL configuration (e.g. the document points to the internal supplier contact object for each of these which points to the user?

    There shouldn't be a way for it to only take one of them into account and not others.  These things can be difficult to diagnose asynchronously via a forum though.  We'll try.  Let's go through some points:

    • What you should do is start at the object itself (e.g. the document in your screenshot).
    • The effective permissions (the list on your screenshot) on an object are a combination of the ACL on the object itself (what you see when you click on the permissions in the lower-left) and any automatic components.
    • If you have metadata-driven permissions then the user must exist in *all* of the components (automatic and custom) to be effective.
    • When looking at the ACL on the object look at the "path" from the current object.  It'll say something like "Internal Supplier Contact.M-Files User".  This means that the document must have an "Internal Supplier Contact" property, and the object(s) it points to must have "M-Files User" properties.  If any/all of that isn't the case for one of the contacts (e.g. the users are invalid) then they won't work.
  • Hi Craig, 

    I am using a workflow to apply custom permissions.  The class, "Contract" does not have any special permission settings.  See screenshots below

    The class has the property "Internal Supplier Contact" that is a list of all our users

    In the workflow, at the stage were the Contract sets the workflow state to Active, these permissions are applied:

    If the object in question has three people listed as "Internal Supplier Contract" why is it that only Sarah Staite is displayed as having edit rights.   The workflow also sets the Hubshare account as having edit rights and those permissions are working fine.

    As far as I know I am not using an ACL

  • The ACL ("access control list") is simply what you've shown in the final screenshot (the "permissions").  I think the confusion here is around "NACL" (a "named access control list") which is what is shown in the upper part of that final screenshot; you're right that you don't seem to be using one.

    Can you check one of the other People objects (e.g. Doreen Gravestock) to see whether it's associated with an active user account?

  • Hi Craig, thanks for the clarification.  Doreen's account is active.  This is her person card (what we call our users)


    Here is the card for Sarah Staite, is not different

    Thanks for helping me with this

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