workflow permissions are not applied to all users


I have set up a workflow that changes permissions when a contract is changed to Active Status. 

According to this, whoever is listed in the property Internal Supplier Contract will receive edit rights. 

In this object, I have three users listed as contacts, but M-Files is only granting edit rights to one of the users.

Why is this happening?  How can it be fixed.



Parents Reply
  • In that case I am running out of ideas via the forum.

    There is some reason why these permissions aren't effective.  It's either to do with the path to the user record from the ACL on the object, or it's to do with the users themselves.

    My next step, honestly, would be to say it's worth getting someone to sit and work through this logically with you.  If you have a services agreement with us then maybe getting someone to spend 30m on a Teams call will solve you a lot of headache.

    I don't like giving that answer, but I am running out of ideas to do this remotely.
