Welcome to the M-Files Community! This Community is your place to get answers to questions, connect with other users, and offer insight about M-Files. To get started:
STEP 1: Create an account.
- Steps here.
STEP 2: Complete your profile.
- Click on the icon on the upper right of any Community page and select Profile.
- Click Edit Profile on the right.
- Learn more about adjusting your settings.
STEP 3: Get to know our parameters & best practices.
- Read our Code of Conduct.
- Review our Terms of Service and Privacy Policy.
- Return to this wiki for documentation on how best to use the M-Files Community.
STEP 4: Participate!
- Ask or a respond to a question on the Forum.
- Search for articles in our Knowledge Base.
- Read news from M-Files, the product team, and the support team.